Revolution of 1800 and War of 1812
Jefferson elected president
Jefferson maintained neutrality, allowed the US bank to continue its charter, eliminated the excise tax, and reduced the military
Marshall Court led by...
1801- 1835 John Marshall: Chief Justice of Supreme Court,
1803 Marbury vs. Madison: establishes the idea of Judicial REview, that the SC can overturn a law it deems unconstitutional, and fine tunes the checks and balances system
1819 McCullough vs. Maryland: supreme court had right to charter banks, state banks couldn't put a tax on federal banks
1824 Gibbons vs. ogden: Federal govn't intervention in interstate trade is justified
1824 Dartmouth College vs. Woodward : sanctity of contracts is to be always upheld
1803 Louisiana Purchase- Jefferson bought territory west of Mississippi. Doubled size of US, contrary to his idea of a strict construction. led to lewis and clark explorations
Barbary Hostages- North African Barbary States held US ships hostage, and Jefferson was forced to pay tribute to protect ships (continued until 1815).
Tensions between France and Britain led to....
Essex Decision- trade closed in peace time cannot be opened during war time- US could not trade with French west indies
Leopard-Chesapeake Incident- impressment of US sailors to bulk up GB navy. The Leopard ship kidnapped soldiers from the Chesapeake ship.
Orders in Council- GB inhibits neutral trade with France
Berlin Decree- France does same^ to GB
Milan Decree- France would seize Ships that obey Brits orders in council.
Instead of going to war, US tried to punish the commercial interests of GB and France with...
Non-Intercourse act- boycott GB
Embargo Act- prohibited all foreign trade- devastated New England economy
Non-Intercourse act #2- opened trade with all nations except GB and France
Macon's Bill No. 2- declares to not trade with enemy of country that will stop violence against US ships- Madison tricked by France.
Effects of War 1812-
-US economy devastated
-Large parts of capitol destroyed
-intensified nationalism
-federalists lost power (ushered in era of good feelings)
-Generals Jackson and Harrison won popularity
Jacksonian Democracy (1820's-1850's)
FREPing a reform
Forming the movement
Recruiting to the movement
Educating the movement
Politicizing the movement
Grassroots: any non-governmental reform movement, usually started at the local/state level
Expectant vs. Entrenched Capitalists: those who have money, but no way to use it in the economy, vs those who are already big players in the game, established